
FDX Fluid Dynamix GmbH is located in Berlin and was founded in 2015. FDX has 15 employees from which most are highly qualified engineers. The company has developed a unique proprietary nozzles technology platform. Apart from its standard product portfolio it has built a database of 6,000 different nozzles, all verified with CFD. Additionally FDX has developed a OsciNet app. In order to guarantee quality OcsiNet is capable in measuring function, volume flow and pressure.

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Values. Vision.

Numbers. Facts.

0Sold OsciJet nozzles

History. Milestones.

Even though we are a young company we are often asked about the history of the company. Therefore, we decided to show here our successes and milestones in the development of FDX.



FDX cooperates with the company Stadiko, which from now on distributes the HPX-CS Pro in the agricultural market in Germany.

March 2019


Out of 500 startups FDX is selected to join the STARTUP AUTOBAHN.

February 2019

Gardena ecoPulse

FDX cooperates with the company Gradena and supports the development of the Comfort Cleaning Nozzle ecoPulse™

January 2019


FDX releases with the OsciJet HPX-CS Pro the second series product. The HPX-CS Pro is specially designed for professional high pressure washers.

August 2018


FDX raises an investment of 1 mio € from two strategic investors. One of them is the Constantia New Business from Austria. The second one prefers to stay undisclosed.

April 2017


FDX releases the first series product. The HPX-MS is designed for fuel injection of liquid fuel for gas turbine applications.

February 2017

ISO 9001:2005

In order to ensure the quality of the production processes and to further improve those FDX implements a quality management system and certifies it after ISO 9001:2005.

January 2017

Pioneers Challange 2016

FDX is selected among 500 companies worldwide as one of the 70 most promising startups (Link). Finally, FDX won the first place in the category Energy and Utilities.

May 2016

Young Tech Enterprises Pitch Challenge 2016

FDX wins the Young Tech Enterprises Pitch Challenge Award.

April 2016

BMW Startup Garage

FDX is selected to participate in the BMW Startup Garage.

October 2015


In September 2015 FDX was selected as part of the second batch of the startup accelerator TechFounders among 280 applications. TechFounders is a three month program including coaching and mentoring and is part of the UnternehmerTUM in Munich.

September 2015

Startup+ Label

In August 2015 FDX got the Startup+ Label of the TU Berlin (Link). This award included a professional photo shoot, a interim management, and an extensive management coaching. The latter one was held by Dr. Katrin Glatzel and Dr. Tania Lieckweg from the osb Berlin GmbH.

August 2015

1. Place BPW 2015

In 2015 FDX wins the first place among 144 competitors in the prestigious business plan competition Businessplan-Wettbewerb Berlin-Brandenburg für Unternehmensgründerinnen und -gründer (BPW) The competition is the biggest of its kind in Germany.

BPW logo

July 2015

Foundation FDX Fluid Dynamix GmbH

In May 2015 the three founders Bernhard Bobusch, Oliver Krüger, and Jens Wintering decide to found FDX.

FDX Logo

May 2015


In January 2015 the prestigious EXIST-Forschungstransfer fund is granted to the founders, which allowed the founders to establish the research project Fluid Dynami-X at the TU Berlin. The project was funded with about 860,000 € for 2 years.

January 2015

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