
Nozzle Terms

Nozzles are used in numerous applications. To select a nozzle with the right characteristic for an application is crucial for an optimal operation. This includes the effectivity and efficiency of the overall process. Therefore, we have compiled the necessary nozzle terms on this page, with an according explanations. If there remain questions, please do not hesitate to contact us.

Pump curve. System characteristics. Nozzle characteristics

As only the right shoe fits a foot, a nozzle has to fit in a system. This means in particular, that the pump curve and system characteristic (pipe/tubing and nozzle characteristic) have to match in order to ensure an optimal operation. Therefore, we support you on our product pages with the nozzle characteristics that you can download for further calculations. But of course we can support you with the design process. Please contact therefore our sales team.

Nozzle Capacity

Nozzles are available in different sizes and types. Common to all of them is that usually a bigger nozzle results in a higher volumetric flow rate V at a constant pressure p as a smaller nozzle. The pressure-flow rate-relation depends mainly on the smallest cross section. In order to make nozzles comparable we use the nozzle capacity C. This parameter relates to a reference pressure of 20 bar:

\(\mathsf{ \textsf{nozzle capacity } \widehat{=} \textsf{ vol. flow rate in (l/min)} \cdot 10 \textsf{ at } 20 \textsf{ bar} }\)

Or written as an equation:

\( \mathsf{ C = \frac{10\cdot \textsf{V (l/min)}}{ \sqrt{ \frac{ \textsf{p (bar)} }{20} } } } \)

Spray Angle

Beside the nozzle capacity the spray angle α is one of the key parameter of the OsciJet nozzles, and most other nozzles of course too. We determine the spray angle experimentally over the hole operational range. In contrast to most other nozzles is the spray angle of an OsciJet nozzle independent of the inlet pressure. As a result of the working principle the spray fan can usually be seen as planar, which is optimal for most applications. However, it is also possible to expand the spray fan perpendicular to the plane, so that the spray fan becomes a pyramid. Please let us know if you need such an adjustment.

Spray Width

In some applications it is necessary to know the spray width, which is defined as the length L of the spray brush in 1m distance. This is in particular interesting when working with other nozzles since the spray width is there a function of the pressure and distance. Since OsciJet nozzles provide a constant spray angle the spray width can also be directly calculated. However, for convenience reasons the spray width is depicted for each product on the product pages.


We are sometimes asked how we specify the pressure. We measure the total pressure directly at the inlet of the nozzle rather than at the pump. Because we have seen significant pressure losses when working with high pressure. In addition to our precise and fast pressure sensor we usually use a calibrated high precision Coriolis mass flow meter.

Pressure Range

The division into different pressure ranges is not officially defined. In order to avoid misunderstandings, we define the print areas as follows:

  • 0-16 bar: Low pressure → LPX
  • 16-60 bar: Medium pressure → MPX
  • 60-200 bar: High pressure → HPX
  • >200 bar: Maximum pressure → XPX

Please note that some of our nozzles can be used beyond one pressure range.


All dimensions (Length L, Width W, Height H) are given as the rectangular bounding box. For most products we provide detailed CAD models, of course without the inner functioning geometry.


All OsciJet series products are labeled with a batch number, a max. pressure range, the nozzle capacity, and the spray angle α. All nozzles are quality checked and the measured nozzle capacity is indicated with a peenining mark.

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