OsciNews – FDX Newsletter Q1 2020

By Oliver Krüger 5 years ago

FDX and the First Quarter

Dear nozzle fan,

it is time for another FDX newsletter. A lot has happened since the last time and we will present the three most important issues. The first section will be about the return and direct comparison of a high pressure nozzle which was used for 5 month, that FDX joined the industry association IVLV and the last section is about events which FDX plans to attend.


Made to Last

We are somtimes asked how durable our nozzles are. Therfore we asked a client of us about their experience with the longevity of our nozzles. Thereupon the company Stadiko sent us a high pressure nozzle back, which was used on a daily basis for 5 month to clean stables on farms. The nozzle is robust and made of stainless steel, however got some scratches and dents. Besides the cosmetics, the nozzle did not show any shortcomings in the direct comparison with a new one as shown in the following video:


At the beginning of the year FDX joined the IVLV an association of industrial partners for food processing technology and packaging. The association consists of more than 200 companies and research facilities who cooperatively do research, support and educate new scientists, connects members and work on collective challenges of their member companies.

We are glad to be part of the project commitee for the project BionicJet. A project which tries to simulate the hunting mechanism of the archerfish for the application of dynamic cleaning. The (banded) archerfish has a special hunting technique allowing him to “shoot” down prey from up to 3 m away with a jet of water. The jet is formed in a way that the front of the jet and the end almost hit their victim at the same time to maximize the impact. This dyamic jet mechanism sounds promising to maximize the impulse on surfaces and objects for cleaning applications and is similar to the dynamic effects of our nozzles.

The banded archer fish ...

… lives in brackish water. See Wikipedia’s interesting article about this fascinating fish: Link

Source: Chrumps, CC BY-SA 3.0

A archer fish ...

… hunts by shooting insects with a water jet. See Wikipedia’s interesting article about this fascinating fish: Link

Source: Pearson Scott Foresman, public domain

Events 2020

As far as it is possible, we will present our technology and products at the following events. However, this may change due to offical regualtions:

We can also provide you with free tickets for the Hannover Messe 2020:

UPDATE 18th March 2020: The ILA Berlin has been canceled due to the Corona virus.


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